Experienced Skipper and
Sightseeing Tour Guide
Your Skipper,s
Mckenzie and franco are the owners and skippers of Predator and Blue Thunder
franco has over 30 years experience from owning and skippering commercial trawlers and potters where in 2006 he decided to change to charter skippering working from Milford haven and then relocating to north Wales
franco currently works full time and only charters weekend .
Mckenzie followed his dads footsteps from being a deckhand and gally boy from the age of 6 where his passion for fishing grown, and left him deciding he wanted to be a fulltime skipper from a early age he took the helm proving he could be that skipper one day
Going on to complete all courses required to become a commercial endorsed skipper , being one of the youngest skippers in the UK,
As he builds up his experience daily Mckenzie skippers fulltime 7 days a week weather depending with the allowing weather we get in the UK .
Both skippers have a passion for angling and can often been seen fishing also from novice to experienced angler both skippers are there to advise or give tuition
Predator is a fast purpose built charter boat powered by 350hp with a cruise speed of 20knots and a sprint speed of 35 knots coded for 10+2 cop 2.
Blue Thunder a Cygnus Cyfish 33 powered from a 400 hp engine giving the speed needed coded for 10+2 cop 2
The boat is an extremely fast stable platform.
Sea fishing trips onboard Predator & Blue Thunder are both professionally Built Charter Boats with a live bait tanks on the deck.
Onboard there are fishing rods and reels for hire for all types of boat fishing and we carry lure roads for the bass fishing and for the people who like to have fun , catch sea bass and other fighting fish
Both boat are Fishing wrecks, reefs, drift fishing over banks or species competitions. We will always try and put you where the fish are. Some of the species that you can expect to catch in Liverpool Bay include Rays, Dogfish, Bull Huss, Black Bream, Tope, Plaice, Conger Eel, Cod, Pollack, Smooth-hound, Spurdog, Gurnard, Whiting and many, many more! Keen angling skippers with years of fishing experience. Boat is fitted with the latest electronics including a Clear View/Side Scan Fishfinder. certified by the YDSA ,
There is a marine toilet accessible from the deck.
The boat is regularly maintained and serviced in, and out, of the water.

Boat Fishing charters with excitement
Perfect Catch charters is the only dedicated Bass & Tope charter fishing vessel running fishing trips from Beaumaris
and Pwllheli Marina on the outskirts of Anglesey and Llyn Peninsula . Being located
on the welsh coast, we have the advantage to be able to get you quickly out to some of the many offshore reefs, sandbanks and wrecks located off the north Wales coast

Adventure Awaits

From £60 per person
The North wales Coast and Menai Strait has long been one of the best spots in the UK to target Bass. Increasing Sea temperatures have resulted in more and bigger fish staying around for longer. These are great sporting as well as eating fish and efforts to conserve stocks have resulted in both minimum size limits (currently 42cm) and restrictions/bans on taking fish being imposed.
We fish for Bass around the many reefs & gullies in the area and on the offshore wrecks using live-baits, dead-baits & a variety of lures depending on the Sea state and weather conditions. There really is no longer a defined Season for Bass fishing and they are pretty much ever-present along the Welsh Coastline.
Please don’t be offended when you have battled with a double figure Bass and we ask you to return it, there are strict rules which govern the taking of this species (Currently 2 fish per angler/day from 1st April till Jan 31 and a no take restriction between those dates ) and these regulations are strictly observed.(sport fishing still welcome)
When the tides are right we run shorter evening sessions in the Summer/Autumn for Bass from 1700-2100. These can involve float fishing live baits over the reefs, casting lures from the boat or targeting inshore wrecks with live baits/lures. It’s a good option for those that have limited time and ensures that you get the very best of the
From £35 per person
General Ground Fishing
Ground fishing refers to inshore fishing (generally within 10 miles of the shore) around the numerous reefs, gullies and depressions. Popular species that we target include Plaice, Bass, Mackerel, Bream, rays, Gurnard, wrasse, Cod, Whiting and many others. We fish for these either at anchor or on the drift depending on time of year, water clarity, state of tide, water temperature and gut instinct!
With such diverstiy it’s impossible to recommend just one tackle set-up or bait and it is best to start with telling us what you would like to catch when making your booking and let us figure it out from there.
We usually fish baits (fish/worm/squid/cuttle-fish) depending on species and time of year – again we are happy to advise at time of booking.

From £60 per person